CSA Infrastructure Maintenance Fee:
How to Pay & When
Want to know more about the Infrastructure Maintenance Services?
All internet and telephone services are billed directly by Vodafone. Vodafone will debit your account (monthly) for those services.
Schedule of Fees
CSA Infrastructure Maintenance Fee: $90 per quarter
Additional cable box: $15 per quarter
First time connection/processing fee: $55; an additional $65 is charged for the Internet on Arrival (prepaid) service
NO REFUNDS will be issued under $60
Payment Details
The Infrastructure Maintenance Fee is billed quarterly. Invoices for fees are e-mailed one month prior to due date, and payment is due by the first day of the quarter. If you would like, you may pre-pay for six months ($180) or one year ($360).
You can pay your Infrastructure Maintenance Fee online by PayPal, check, or online transfer from the link on your invoice.
Late Charges, Disconnection & Reconnection
A $1.00 per day late charge will be assessed beginning the 3rd of the month, and accounts not paid by the 17th of the month will be disconnected. If service is disconnected, a $30.00 reconnection fee will be charged and all late fees and current charges must be brought up to date to begin service again.
Billing Dates
1st Quarter Begins: January 1
Bill E-mailed: December 1
Bill due: January 1
Late fees begin: January 3
Disconnection date: January 17
2nd Quarter Begins: April 1
Bill E-mailed: March 1
Bill due: April 1
Late fees begin: April 3
Disconnection date: April 17
3rd Quarter Begins: July 1
Notice emailed: June 1
Bill due: July 1
Late fees begin: July 3
Disconnection date: July 17
4th Quarter Begins: October 1
Notice emailed: September 1
Bill due: October 1
Late fees begin: October 3
Disconnection date: October 17
If you have any questions about your cable administrative fees, please contact Suzie Neiderlander at [email protected].
All internet and telephone services are billed directly by Vodafone. Vodafone will debit your account (monthly) for those services.
Schedule of Fees
CSA Infrastructure Maintenance Fee: $90 per quarter
Additional cable box: $15 per quarter
First time connection/processing fee: $55; an additional $65 is charged for the Internet on Arrival (prepaid) service
NO REFUNDS will be issued under $60
Payment Details
The Infrastructure Maintenance Fee is billed quarterly. Invoices for fees are e-mailed one month prior to due date, and payment is due by the first day of the quarter. If you would like, you may pre-pay for six months ($180) or one year ($360).
You can pay your Infrastructure Maintenance Fee online by PayPal, check, or online transfer from the link on your invoice.
- To pay by credit or debit card, you must first set up that card in your PayPal account. Please use your Siedlung address as your shipping address.
- Checks (payable to “CSA”) can be dropped in the CSA drop-box located at the Fieldhouse (to the right of the entrance door). CSA Frankfurt reserves the right to charge a $25 fee for returned checks.
- No cash payments, please.
Late Charges, Disconnection & Reconnection
A $1.00 per day late charge will be assessed beginning the 3rd of the month, and accounts not paid by the 17th of the month will be disconnected. If service is disconnected, a $30.00 reconnection fee will be charged and all late fees and current charges must be brought up to date to begin service again.
Billing Dates
1st Quarter Begins: January 1
Bill E-mailed: December 1
Bill due: January 1
Late fees begin: January 3
Disconnection date: January 17
2nd Quarter Begins: April 1
Bill E-mailed: March 1
Bill due: April 1
Late fees begin: April 3
Disconnection date: April 17
3rd Quarter Begins: July 1
Notice emailed: June 1
Bill due: July 1
Late fees begin: July 3
Disconnection date: July 17
4th Quarter Begins: October 1
Notice emailed: September 1
Bill due: October 1
Late fees begin: October 3
Disconnection date: October 17
If you have any questions about your cable administrative fees, please contact Suzie Neiderlander at [email protected].