Marine Corps Ball 2024 - Group Ticket Sales Are Closed
Date: November 2, 2024
Time: 1700 - 2200
Location: Sheraton Hotel-Frankfurt Airport
Hugo-Eckener-Ring 15 · 60549 Frankfurt am Main
Attire: Formal
Group Tickets Sales are closed: Purchase your individual ticket here - Marine Corps Ball 2024 indiv sales - CSA FRANKFURT
Ticket Price includes:
Ticket Sale Process and Timeline
All tickets are sold via PayPal via the button below. Unless purchasing an entire table of ten (10) seats, each ticket must be purchased individually to ensure all attendee names are captured for the check-in list. Those who purchase an entire table will be provided the process for submitting their attendees for inclusion on the clearance list.
Time: 1700 - 2200
Location: Sheraton Hotel-Frankfurt Airport
Hugo-Eckener-Ring 15 · 60549 Frankfurt am Main
Attire: Formal
Group Tickets Sales are closed: Purchase your individual ticket here - Marine Corps Ball 2024 indiv sales - CSA FRANKFURT
Ticket Price includes:
- Welcome reception with beer, wine, water, soft drinks, sparkling wine
- Buffet dinner with beer, wine, water, soft drinks
- Ball gift
- Hours of fun to celebrate the birth of America’s very own Marine Corps!
Ticket Sale Process and Timeline
All tickets are sold via PayPal via the button below. Unless purchasing an entire table of ten (10) seats, each ticket must be purchased individually to ensure all attendee names are captured for the check-in list. Those who purchase an entire table will be provided the process for submitting their attendees for inclusion on the clearance list.
- July 10: Sales of tables (10 tickets at one time) open
- August 15: Sales of tables (10 tickets at one time) close
- August 16: Sales of individual tickets open - 160 euro per ticket for individual ticket sales.
Please note
- All attendee names must be submitted with payment in order for them to attend. Failure to provide all attendee names correctly may result in them not being admitted to the event. There are no refunds in this situation.
- Reserving specific seats is not available for this event. Only groups purchasing an entire table will be guaranteed their table placement within the Ballroom.
- Once ticket sales have ended, all attendees will receive a confirmation email with additional event details. This will include the ability to notify event coordinators of dietary needs. The buffet meal will include vegan and gluten-free options.
- Physical tickets are not being issued; the list of names entered into PayPal will be downloaded and names will be checked at the event entrance. Please bring a form of ID (EU driver’s license, protokolausweiss, Consulate ID badge, etc.) to verify your identity.
Schedule of Events
17:00 – 17:45: Welcome Reception
17:45 – 18:00: Guests move into the Ballroom
18:00 – 18:45: Ceremony
18:45: Dinner starts
20:00: Dancing and additional celebration
22:00: Event ends
Refund policy
Notification before August 31, 2024 provides a 10% refund of the cost of the ticket(s). Refunds are not possible after September 1, 2024 due to guarantees made to vendors.
Wait List and Substitutions
Once all tickets have been sold, a wait list will be maintained. These individuals will have first right of refusal when paid attendees notify that they can no longer attend and need to sell their ticket(s). Additional information will be provided here once all tickets are sold.
Substitutions from the wait list are possible until October 24, 2024. After this time the attendee list is submitted to RSO and cannot be changed.
For babysitting options, check the US Consulate Frankfurt Facebook group.
Parking at the venue will not be available; please plan accordingly.
For questions about the event, please email GySgt Daniel Diep at [email protected].